15 September 2022
Care from Cars from Forfar Rotary


A strange heading but read on for the facts behind the statement.

Forfar Rotarians paid respect to the late Queen with a minutes silence at the start of their meeting at the Royal Hotel when President David Stobbs also welcomed Emma Gartland

Emma, the Senior community fundraiser for CHAS in North East Scotland said CHAS ( Children’s Hospices Across Scotland ) is Scotland’s only hospice service for babies, children and young people living with a life-shortening condition. For us to continue this support we are grateful for any donations that come our way. Forfar Rotary Club has, from the running of their 2022 Strathmore Classic Car Tour seen fit to choose our organisation as their chosen charity and we are indebted to them for this magnificent donation of £8908.48 which once CHAS claims gift aid should make the total over £10000

Emma told Rotarians that through our hospices at Rachel House in Kinross, Robin House in Balloch and their CHAS at Home services give families a choice when choices seem limited. They can choose what kind of support they receive, whether it’s at home, in the hospice or in hospital. The specialist nursing team is able to support their child from diagnosis, through their life, through their death and support the family during their bereavement.

Emma continued our main aim is make sure that no family faces the death of their child alone. We know that at the moment in Scotland, 3 children die every week from a life-shortening condition. At the moment, CHAS are only able to reach 1 of those 3. Now in our 30th year, CHAS is there for families all over Scotland.

With help from events like the Strathmore Classic Car Tour we can also raise more awareness about CHAS and what we do. The children who use CHAS are not going to live long lives, but we can make sure that no matter how short their life might be, it can be filled with moments of joy that their families can hold onto forever.

Rotarian Scotty Ballantine gave the vote of thanks expressing the view of the club that CHAS is very caring and understanding organisation.

It was announced that there will be another Strathmore Classic Car Tour 2023 and the wheels all already in progress to put together another “Classic Event”.


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